Thursday 3 October 2013

Due to Loki's Ineptitude or just confusion and mayhem HELP NEEDED

Hello everyone Loki here, I have to put my hands up and admit something has gone very wrong in the Great Hall either by my own hand or those naughty pixies have broken into the office and ransacked the paperwork.

I have all the first phase Charity lead and have sat down today to sort out the painters and then I realised I had a problem, I knew of 9 volunteers and could only find contact details for 7 of them.

If you have not been contacted then please either message me through Google plus +Andrew Saunders or use the email address to the right, please let me know what you would like to paint the list for available units can be found HERE those marked with a ? mean that I dont have contact details.

As you can see we need a few more volunteers and regardless of your skill level we really would like you to get involved.

Andrew ( Loki )


  1. I'd just blame the gremlins. That normally works (unless it's a paying customer... for some reason they don't seem to believe in gremlins)

  2. Have you received my email?

  3. Cool. Do you have any info about their uniforms?

  4. Hi Andrew,

    I've been umming and ahhing about getting on board given my location down under but the inveterate volunteer in me is getting the upper hand. If you're OK with posting stuff back and forth across the globe I'd be happy to take on some painting for you. The two 8 figure units of Compagnie Franches de la marine look like right up my alley...


  5. I'm happy to paint whatever you need me to do!

  6. Just made my THIRD attempt to pass the information. Are you trying to tell me something?


    1. Nope, but got one at 21:15 this evening. Could it be G+?

      Anyway, to hell with it, let's crack on.

  7. I'm behind in reading and can't seem to message you on g+ through my phone at the moment. I would be happy to paint a small unit. If being in the States isn't a problem.

  8. Shot you a message over at G+. I'm still in!

  9. Ah it would seem that I too have been bumped from the list!
