Sunday, 30 June 2013

History of Quebec - Part 1 - The Native Americans

I will be posting a series of videos, that will document the evolution of Quebec from its early beginnings through the French Indian war, American revolutionary war and beyond. Each episode is only 10 or so minutes long.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Work on the terrain ( part 2 )

The one thing the table is going to need is plenty of woods, this has led us to develop more detailed woodlands for the table but still with the ability to be auctioned off as usable terrain at the end of the day. Normally when working on a commission layout the trees e.t.c. would be an integral part of the terrain and not free standing elements as such.

The first thing worked on was developing a larger base board that would be adaptable to varying shapes, more for use after the event.
So after a few initial ideas we decided to knock up some templates. A couple of shorter wide ones that interlock and a couple of narrow but long versions. These have been textured and dry brushed up. Both of these sets will cover approx 19 inches x 12 inches each so a a good size for 28mm games.
Next up was to work on more manoeuvrable tree stands, you will have seen how I would normally do trees and woodlands on my own blog. However for a demonstration game those would not be as practical to use.
We worked out a suitable area we would need for a good show of trees and then knocked up a set of templates and cut the bases out.
I like the aesthetic look of odd numbers on a base and we settled on three per stand and 5 stands per pair of boards. this gives 15 trees to fill the space. Also we created a stand of scatter terrain to throw in if wanted.
One of the prototypes laid out for use. there are some finishing touches needed yet to complete the look fully and that will feature in another post.

A few miniatures dropped on to check the scaling of these, we have gone for a good mix of sizes and types of trees. They should make a good representation of the type of woodlands in the area. We are certainly going to be using a lot of armatures on this project, with approx 100 trees being needed.

Friday, 21 June 2013

The War that made America - The Trailer

Here is the original trailer for the 4 part series posted this week.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

New France Old England

I have been working on making our game stand out at Triples and had the idea of contacting a UK based reenactment group for the F&IW,  today I had a reply.

Hi James,
                I would definitely be up for it as I live about an hour away from Sheffield in South Derbyshire.  Please keep me in the loop and I will see if I can gather more people together.  (FYI my reenactment kit is for a French Artillery officer so will try and get some redcoats and canadians etc)

 I have added a few pictures of the group but recomend you pop over to their web site and check them out, I am so happy to have them aboard and it will make us stand out and frankly be so much fun.

The War that made America - Part 3

Today see the third instalment of this series. Again time to make a well earned cuppa and sit back for an hour.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The War that made America - Part 2

Continuing with the series of posts started yesterday on the History of the French Indian war, today we have  Part 2:

Put the Kettle on and get your feet up for another hours entertainment.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The War that made America - Part 1

This is the first of a 4 part series that gives a history of the French Indian war and the conflicts of the period. Each part is approximately 1 hour so grab a cuppa and enjoy !

Saturday, 15 June 2013

A look at the new Figures from AW Miniatures

I went up to Phalanx today and met up with Loki, together after a great progress meeting over a cup of tea we wondered over to see Andy at AW Miniatures. Andy has been very busy sculpting figures so we can have all the troop types we wanted in our game, he had brought along the latest greens for us to drool over and believe me these are stunning. I took the chance to take a load of pictures so you can enjoy them yourselves.

I think you will all agree this boy has talent, and I know all you painters will be dying to get your brushes on these, will not be long now. Remember good things come to those that wait.
Peace James

French Commander de Lignery

François-Marie Le Marchand de Lignery (24 August 1703 – 29 July 1759) was a colonial military leader in the French province of Canada. Active in the defense of New France during the French and Indian War, he died of wounds sustained in the 1759 Battle of La Belle-Famille.

Born into a military family (his father was Constant le Marchand de Lignery, an officer of the French colonial military) in Montreal, Lignery enrolled as a cadet in the troupes de la marine at 14, and first saw service in 1728 during the Fox Wars. He also saw service in the Chickasaw Wars and King George's War, where he participated in attacks on Fort Anne and Grand Pré. In 1751 he was promoted to captain.

When the French and Indian War broke out, Lignery played an important role in the French defense of the Ohio Country. He distinguished himself in the defeat of Braddock in 1755, in which his company held the French center while Indians and Canadian militia were rallied early in the battle.[  For his role in the battle he was awarded the Cross of Saint Louis. Given military command of the entire Ohio Country in 1756, he used Fort Duquesne as a base from which to harass British colonial positions in Virginia and Pennsylvania. In 1758 he captured much of a British force led by James Grant that attempted to take Fort Duquesne. Unfortunately, a force he sent out to counterattack the advancing troops of John Forbes was repulsed, and he decided in November 1758 to abandon and destroy Duquesne when it became clear that Forbes' force significantly outnumbered his.

Lignery retreated to Fort Machault, from which he continued to direct harassing raids against the British in 1759. He was organizing an expedition against Fort Pitt (the fort built by the British on the site of Fort Duquesne) when he received an appeal for help from Pierre Pouchot, the commander at Fort Niagara. Pouchot had sent Lignery some troops, but was himself now under siege by the British and requested assistance. Lignery, who was trying to convince nearly 1,000 Indians to join in the attack on Fort Pitt at the time, convinced 500 to join his force of 800 Troupes de la marine:

“”The Troupes de la Marine (Troops of the Navy), also known as independent companies of the navy and colonial regulars, were under the authority of the French Minister of Marine, who was also responsible for the French navy, overseas trade, and French colonies. They were the only regular soldiers in New France from 1682 to 1755, when several army battalions were dispatched to North America.””

 On June 24 his force was ambushed by the British as it neared Fort Niagara. The battle was a disaster for the French, and Lignery was seriously wounded and captured. Pouchot surrendered Niagara the next day, and Lignery died of his wounds on June 28.

Friday, 14 June 2013

French Line Infantry 1759

I have been unable to find out which French units were involved in the battle in fact what I did find is that most of the troops were French Colonial’s who were very tough and experience men. I did find in my research that most of the regular troops in Canada were Troupes de la Marine (French Naval Infantry) I did find a few listed units that served in Canada, I have added information below of one such unit. I think for our own forces we can bend history a bit and have some Line Infantry (off White Uniform) and Troupes de La Marine (Grey Uniform)

The 54th Line Infantry
It was formed in 1657 during the Ancien Régime as the régiment Mazarin-Catalans, being renamed the régiment Royal Catalan in 1661 then the régiment Royal Roussillon in 1667. Its first battalion fought in the French and Indian War from 1756 to 1761 in Canada under the command of général Louis-Joseph de Saint-Veran, Marquis de Montcalm, with M. de Sennezergue as its colonel. It fought at the Battle of Fort William Henry and at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham – at the latter it was broken and forced to flee by steady fire from the British 35th Foot, whose members are traditionally held to have picked up the 54th's plumes and placed them in their own headdress (the Roussillon Plume being formally incorporated into the badge of the 35th Foot in 1881). A second battalion of the Royal Roussillon served in Germany (1756–1762). In 1756, the 54th Infantry Regiment's uniform was white with blue facings, five gilded buttons for the linings and 3 buttons on each pocket.
Most regiments wore white coats made of unbleached woollen fabric with brightly coloured cuffs of the "distinctive colour". The exact colour of this unbleached woollen coat has given rise to several debates. Since it directly depended on the colour of the wool used, its colour probably varied form a very light grey to off white. Contemporary works such as Taccoli's book and Troupes du Roi, Infanterie française et étrangère, année 1757 depict very light grey (almost white) uniforms; while Raspe's publications in 1761 and 1762 depict white coats.
Each regiment was further distinguished by the colour and quantity of buttons, and the shape and position of pockets. These distinctions were specified by the ordonnances. As per the regulation of April 20 1736, the coat was now buttoned up down to the waist and coat lapels were introduced in a few regiments. When they reached the waist, they were called bavaroise. Turnbacks also gradually appeared. In fact, the basques of the coat could be turned back or left unfastened. With the regulation of 1757, collars of the same colour as the cuffs appeared in many regiments. Coloured lapels were also introduced. The cuffs became smaller and the turnbacks began to be decorated with a hearth shaped piece to reinforce the hook.
Swiss and Irish regiments wore garance red coats; Scot and German regiments turquin blue coats.
Depending on the regiment, the long sleeved waistcoat could be of unbleached woollen fabric or dyed in the "distinctive colour". The waistcoat had two rows of 11 yellow or white buttons and horizontal pockets with flaps but without buttons. The regulation of April 20 1736, stipulated that coloured waistcoat should be suppressed but this measure was rarely applied.
Breeches were usually made of unbleached woollen fabric. They were fastened by buttons at the waist and in front. They also had flaps fastened with 5 small buttons on the outer face of each knee. Gaiters were usually white, fastened with small buttons on the outer face and held in place by a narrow leather strap under the knee. Around 1761 and 1762, black gaiters seem to have been increasingly common.
Following image is taken from
There are some very nice images of French SYW Line Infantry Uniforms on this web page
They have been authorised to be used on the website but the artist retains full copyright so I will not reproduce them here, I recommend you follow the link and look at them.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The 44th Regiment of Foot

In the of January, 1755, under the command of Major-General Braddock, the 44th, along with the 48th Regiment, sailed from Cork for Virginia. As part of the plan to engage the French in America, Braddock's force was to attack the Fort du Quesne, on the Ohio, Pennsylvania. The army had to cross the Allegany mountains. The journey was long and hard, as much of it was through unmapped, road-less country. The men frequently had to cut their own path over steep inclines, rocky ground and contend with rivers and torrents. They also had no support from the local province. After arriving at Fort Cumberland, Braddock was informed that the French were apparently to be reinforced. With this news, he decided to force march the army to meet the French. Despite protests from the likes of Colonel Sir Peter Halkett of the 44th, Braddock camped his force within ten miles of the fort, over forty miles from any reserve and support. Even though they were now perilously exposed to the risk of ambush, Braddock also ignored advise to use Indian scouts and to proceed cautiously. Braddock marched on blindly. On the 9th of July, Braddock's army was hit by fire from the front and flank. The advanced guard, comprising of the Grenadier company of the 44th led by Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Thomas Gage, took the main brunt of the first volley. From one hundred Grenadiers, all but twenty-two men still stood. In the confusion caused by the thick smoke from the shooting and the total surprise of the attack, eleven more men fell, some to their own comrades guns. Three more Grenadiers later died of their wounds. Braddock's incompetence continued as he ordered a holding action, rather than a retreat. The Major-General was too shot, in the leg, and was carried from the battle field by Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Thomas Gage of the 44th. Braddock died four days later. Throughout this action, of Braddock's aides, Colonel Washington was the only one to remain unscathed despite having two horses shot from under him and four bullets pass through his coat. It fell to Colonel Washington to withdraw the remaining men from the action to safety, which he did so with calm professionalism. Braddock's army lost seven hundred men, including Colonel Sir Peter Halkett, Bart., The regiment also lost Captains Charles Tatton and Henry Bromley, Captain-Lieutenant Richard Gethin; and Lieutenants James Allen and Robert Townsend. The Colonel's own son, Lieutenant James Halkett, also of the the 44th, was killed.

In the August of 1758, now with Major-General James Abercromby for the Colonel, the 44th was to relieve Oswego, on Lake Ontario, which had been taken by the French. Before they arrived, the French destroyed the fort and reinforced the army at Ticonderoga. The 44th then joined the 27th, 42nd, 46th and 55th Regiments to assail the French at Fort Ticonderoga. Whilst on route, the British came across and detachment of French. For a few losses, the British killed three hundred French and took one hundred and forty-eight prisoners. Arriving in the area, the 44th, along with six companies of the Royal Americans, took possession of the Saw-Mill, which was about two miles from the fort. The French, however managed to destroy the mill and bridge across the river. The next day, Abercromby decided to proceed to take the fort with haste, due to rumours of impending large French reinforcements. Also, due to the nature of the terrain, it was very difficult to bring up artillery, so Abercromby decide not to wait for that either. After four hours of fighting and without removing the French, the British lost five hundred and fifty-one men, with another one thousand and fifty-six wounded. No figures are given for individual regiments, but the 44th lost Ensign William Frasier in the fight. Ticonderoga would not fall until the next year during a major assault on all French positions in Canada.

In 1759, as part of the operation to push the French from Canada, the 44th were assigned to the force against Fort Niagara. Under Brigadier-General John Prideaux of the 55th, a portion of the assemble army included the New York provincials and forces from several Indian nations was commanded by Sir William Johnson. The 44th was attached to this force. The action commenced mid-July of that year. On the 20th of July, Brigadier-General John Prideaux was killed in an accident. The command was taken up by Sir William Johnson. In the ensuing action, the 44th under the command of Major John Beckwith were posted to the trenches to esnure that should the French attempt to break out, they would be met. After fierce fighting, the French finally surrendered the fort on the 25th of July.

The 44th's last action was in the May of 1760. Under Lieutenant-General Amhert, a large force was assembled at Oswego. The 44th regiment formed part of the rear-guard for the attack on Fort Levi, which surrendered on the 25th of August. The army promptly moved on to surround Montreal. The French Governor-General, the Marquis de Vandreuil was compelled to surrender the garrison on the 8th of September, 1760. Canada was now completely under British rule.

From 1761, the regiment's companies were engaged in guard duties in various locations, which the regiment being reassembled in 1765 at Quebec. There, the regiment embarked for Ireland, where it was to remain for the next ten years.
Text and pictures taken from 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Paintbrushes at the ready

I have collected a nice healthy list of volunteers for figure painting duties, I do believe I have emailed you all to acknowledge your interests. If any one has not had an email from me please send me a reminder, as I may have missed it during my short time away through illness.

Just to keep you all informed, I am finalising some figures with Andrew at AW miniatures who is sculpting some additional figures that are needed for some of the units. My intention is to visit him at the end of the month and collect all the lead that needs painting including the all new sculpts. I will be making a special trip to the Phalanx show this weekend to meet up with James and Andrew to ensure we are on track for this area of the project.

I appreciate many of you are itching to fire up your paints and brushes, but I ask you to bear with me as I want to send all the lead out in one batch so I can keep track of the project. I know James is keen as mustard to get some paint out :)


The 46th Regiment of Foot

The 46th (South Devonshire) Regiment of Foot was an infantry regiment of the British Army, created in 1741 and amalgamated into the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in 1881.

In 1749 the Regiment was stationed in Ireland, where they remained for eight years. Whilst they were in Ireland, the Seven Years' War broke out, and the 46th were relocated to Nova Scotia. During their time in Canada, the 46th were involved in several battles, including:

  • Assault on Fort Ticonderoga, July 8, 1758;
  • Assault and Capture of Fort Niagara, July 25, 1759;
  • Assault and Capture of Fort Lévis, August 25, 1760;
  • Capture of Montreal,September 8, 1760;

In the American War of Independence the 46th Regiment of Foot fought at Capture of Long Island, August 28, 1776; Capture of New York, 1776; Capture and Reduction of Fort Washington, 1776; Battle of Brandywine Creek, September 11, 1777; Action of Paoli's Tavern, September 20, 1777; Capture of Philadelphia, 1777; Battle of Germantown, October 4, 1777; Action of Monmouth Court-House, June 28, 1778; Assault and Capture of Bedford, September 5, 1778 Assault and Capture of Martha's Vineyard, September, 1778; Invasion and Capture of St. Lucia, December 30, 1778; Defence of La Vigie, December 18, 1778; and the Capture of St. Eustatius, 1781.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Diplomatist Research Services get involved

A fellow blogger contacted me with an idea of how he could support our efforts. Edwin King is a blogger and also sells old books he has 5 copy's of The Battle for Quebec he has kindly agreed that all money raise from the sale of these books will go to our fund, if you are interested follow the below link and have a look
 Can I take this chance to say a huge thank you to Edwin, he is very new to wargame,s and I think he will welcome any support and help as he dips his toe in the world we all love.!char/cfvg

Monday, 3 June 2013

Something special this way comes!!!

Here is a little teaser for a project I have asked Andrew at AW Miniatures to work on. I am not going to give all the details only to say that it will be a special vignette, that you can purchase later in the year through this blog to help us raise funds.

So stay tuned folks as it promises to be a good year.